A posting in peasoup by
Antti Kauppinen suggests that rage might be a moral emotion. Rage is
uncontrollable anger. This posting will, for the most part, be concerned with more
moderate anger and whether such anger can be justified and when it can ever
serve any useful purpose. I will argue that whilst anger is dangerous that nonetheless
controlled anger can sometimes serve some useful purpose.
To the Stoics anger was a harmful emotion. Seneca describes
the mischief anger does as follows,
“no plague has cost the human race more dear: you will see
slaughterings and poisonings, accusations and counter-accusations, sacking of
cities, ruin of whole peoples, the persons of princes sold into slavery by
auction, torches applied to roofs, and fires not merely confined within
city-walls but making whole tracts of country glow with hostile flame. See the
foundations of the most celebrated cities hardly now to be discerned; they were
ruined by anger. See deserts extending for many miles without an inhabitant:
they have been desolated.” Sophia-project,
Anger book 1.
What sort of anger was Seneca talking about? There is
uncontrolled anger and anger that has been tempered or abated some degree. I
would suggest that Seneca was talking about uncontrolled anger which I believe
could be better characterised as rage. I will consider whether rage might be
regarded as a moral emotion as suggested by Kauppinen at the end of this
posting. I now want to consider whether tempered or controlled anger can ever
be a useful emotion.
Let us accept that anger has evolutionary roots. It might
be argued that because of these roots anger must retain some purpose. However
such an argument seems to be unconvincing. Evolution has given us a taste for
sweet and fatty things. Such a taste might have been an advantage to a hunter
gatherer but is a disadvantage to anyone living in an affluent city. Similarly
anger might of advantage to a hunter gatherer but might be a disadvantage to a
city dweller. Human progress may now be too rapid for evolution to keep pace
with. Let it be accepted that emotions in general are useful to us. Hume argued
that reason is slave of the passions. Nonetheless as suggested above the
specific emotion of anger might no longer remain useful to us. It might be
argued that in practice we cannot simply eliminate a single emotion which has
ceased to be useful to us, such as anger, without damaging our capacity to feel
the emotions which remain useful to us. If we eliminate all anger then perhaps
we will damage our capacity to feel empathy, see anger
and empathy. I will now offer two examples which suggest that it
might be wrong to eliminate anger in all circumstances. Each example will
suggest further reasons as to why we shouldn’t eliminate all anger because our
anger can be useful in some circumstances.
My first example concerns anger at Donald Trump’s policies
on immigration, his lying together with his underlying racist and misogynist
views. Should we simply transmute our anger into useful actions aimed at
combatting these evils as suggested by Martha Nussbaum? (1) I would suggest
that we shouldn’t because if we do so our actions might be interpreted as a
sign of weakness, this is especially true in the case of Trump. Sometimes when
faced by wrongdoing we must signal our determination to fight that wrongdoing
and perhaps retaining some anger helps in this signalling. A further example
might be provide by those who lived under apartheid in South
Africa and were unjustly disenfranchised perhaps their anger signalled
their determination to oppose the apartheid. However caution is needed as
excessive anger can damage rationality and degenerate into hate. In spite of
this need for caution I would suggest that when fighting injustice
that retaining some controlled anger is useful in this fight by signalling our
determination to continue in this fight.
My second example comes from the Vietnam War. In this war
Hugh Thompson’s anger helped him, to courageously save others from being
massacred at My Lai. Was Thompson’s anger was justified? Was his anger useful
in helping stop the massacre? Might not a calm rational moral person also have
helped to stop the massacre? Intuitively his anger seems both to have been
justifiable and useful. However our
intuitions are not always reliable and I will now attempt to show his anger was
useful. Some emotions such as sadness don’t seem to have a clear focus or
target. Some might class such emotions as moods and moods are hard to justify.
Other emotions such as anger are intentional and are focussed on some target. Let
us accept that morality matters. I will now argue intentional emotions can be
justified by moral concerns and my argument will focus on anger. Intentional
emotions can be seen as sending a signal that something is wrong and needs
attending to. If I see someone forcefully pushing into a queue I might feel
angry at the perceived injustice. If this person is unjustly trying to displace
other members of the queue then my anger is justified because my anger focusses
my in attention on the injustice. However if this person is attempting to join
her partner in the middle of the queue then no injustice is taking place and my
anger is unjustified. Let us accept that anger can be justified by focussing
our attention moral concerns. However when anger focusses our attention we must
ensure that we focus accurately on those whose wrong actions are the cause of
our anger. Hugh Thompson accurately focussed his anger on the wrong actions of
the perpetrators of the massacre at My Lai. The perpetrators of the massacre
were also angry but their focus on the cause their anger was inaccurate. The
villagers massacred were mere bystanders and did nothing wrong, did not cause
the situation which lead to the perpetrators anger. The perpetrators anger was
inaccurately focussed, resulting in them unjustly targeting innocent women and
children. Let us accept anger can be justified by alerting us to some moral wrong.
us also accept that once anger has alerted us to some wrong that our anger
should be translated into actions which alleviate the wrong when this is
possible targeting those who cause the wrong. However does translating our
anger into action mean our anger should cease completely or continue at some
lower level?
I have argued that anger
can be justified by alerting us to some moral wrong. At this point I want to
compare my position to that of the stoics. Stoics argue that because the cause
of someone’s anger is some event in the past and because the past cannot be
changed anger is irrational. More generally the stoics argued that emotions are
irrational and that we should seek to master them. What do stoics mean by
mastering anger? I have argued above that anger isn’t irrational because it
alerts us to some wrongdoing. Some stoics might be prepared to accept that
anger sometimes alerts us that to the fact that something is wrong. After all
if they refuse to accept the above, are they prepared to accept that anger
simply occurs at random without any meaningful reference to the context in
which it takes place? In response to the above a stoic might suggest that
emotions such as anger and rationality occupy completely separate domains and
that we should only pay attention to reason and seek eliminate our anger. Plato
also believed emotions and reason occupied separate domains and used the
example of a charioteer controlling unruly horses as a metaphor for reason
controlling the emotions. My stoic might argue whilst hunter gatherers found
anger useful in alerting them to wrongdoing in the tribe that nowadays reason alone
can alert us to wrongdoing, anger has become a redundant emotion. Stoics
believed in cultivating virtue, but if reason alone can detect wrongdoing
stoics might also have made good deontologists. A stoic might proceed to argue
that reason always alerts us to wrongdoing and does so more reliably than
unreliable anger. In the light of the above she might suggest that we should
try to eliminate any anger because reason offers a better way to alert us to wrongdoing
and anger might interfere with our rationality. To her mastering anger means
eliminating anger. One response to the above might to suggest that emotions and
reason do not occupy completely distinct domains, I will not pursue this
response further here. A second response is to point out that whilst we are no
longer hunter gatherers we are human beings and human beings cannot simply
eliminate emotions such as anger. My stoic might concede that we cannot simply
eliminate anger but argue that when we experience anger we should move on using
reason and try to suppress our anger with reason. Mastering our anger now means
suppressing it. Such a position is similar to that of Martha Nussbaum who
argues we should transmute our anger into useful actions. I have some sympathy
for such a position. However it might be better if we sought to control our
anger rather than simply suppress it. If we merely suppress our anger rather
than control it then our anger might suddenly reappear, indeed it is feasible
suppressed anger might fester and grow. When we eliminate or suppress our anger
we do not experience anger, the same is not true of controlling anger. To
control anger we must retain some anger. However we must stop simply being
angry and realise we are angry. Once we stop simply being angry and become
aware we are angry we can reflect on and monitor our anger. Is our anger
justified? Is our anger excessive? Is it useful? I would argue
mastering our anger should mean controlling our anger. It seems that my stoic
would argue that we should try not to become angry and if we do become angry we
should suppress it, Nussbaum would argue that once we have become angry we
should transform our anger into useful actions aimed at correcting the
injustice which caused it, whilst I would argue that once we have become angry
we should control our anger and use it to enable us to carry out useful actions
aimed at correcting the injustice. In the above I have considered eliminating,
suppressing and controlling anger from a purely theoretical viewpoint, it is
possible that empirical research might mean my views should be amended. My stoic and Nussbaum believe maintaining
anger is both counterproductive and wrong, I believe maintaining some limited
form of anger is justified because doing so helps in controlling anger.
I now want to argue that we
have a further reason to maintain some anger. What sort of signal is
an emotion sending? It is sending a signal that something needs attending to.
Emotions are somewhat analogous to alarms.
to Michael Brady emotions facilitate understanding. They do so by facilitating,
“reassessment through the capture and consumption of
attention; emotions enable us to gain a “true and stable” evaluative judgement.
I accept that anger requires that we should reassess the
situation. However I would argue anger not only captures our attention but in
some circumstances help us to retain our attention, helps us to
retain our focus. Let us assume that someone is angry because she has been
bypassed for promotion due to sexism. Perhaps if she attends to the
circumstances of her being bypassed for promotion she finds that the person
selected really was better qualified for the position than her. In this
scenario her anger might be judged to be inappropriate and should cease. However let us assume her anger was justified
but her employer tackles the injustice. A stoic would argue all her anger
should be abated. It seems to me that by simply suppressing her anger she
deprives herself of a useful tool for focusing on the injustice of more general
sexism. At My Lai Hugh Thompson’s anger helped him maintain his focus on
stopping the massacre. Perhaps if he hadn’t maintained his anger his attention
might have wandered and he would have considered the dangers to himself, his
future or the damage making the public aware of the massacre would do to the US
army. Blind anger is never useful, but it seems plausible that some
form of controlled anger might be useful in maintaining our focus on some
I have argued that anger is a useful emotion when it is controlled.
However there are dangers associated with the use of anger. It has been
suggested that emotions are somewhat analogous to alarms. Alarms are meant to
be attended to and switched off. Anger should be attended to and if unjustified
should cease. However I have argued that if anger is justified it should be
attended to and controlled rather than simply suppressed. Nonetheless if
someone simply remains angry and does not reassess her situation on becoming
angry then her anger serves no purpose and is damaging. I would suggest there
is some mean to anger in much the same way as Aristotle suggested there was a
mean to the virtues. Someone might be excessively prone to anger causing her to
focus her attention on trivial matters. She might also be very slow to anger
and this slowness might deprive her of a better understanding her situation.
Lastly I want to return to my starting point and consider
Kauppinen’s suggestion that rage might be a moral emotion. Kauppinen suggests
rage is a negative feeling that is a cousin of anger and hate. He argues rage
motivates you to destroy, to get physical, preferably destroying what you see
as the obstacle to justice. I have suggested that rage is simply unabated
anger. According to the Cambridge Dictionary rage is a period of extreme or
violent anger. According to the Oxford Dictionary rage is violent anger, fury,
usually manifested in looks, words, or action. It would seem that rage is not a
cousin of anger but an uncontrolled form of anger. I am quite happy to agree
with Kauppinen that rage might be justified in some circumstances. Rage against
apartheid, Trump’s policies and the perpetrators of the My Lai massacre can be
justified. However I am not so happy to believe such rage is a useful emotion.
I have argued above that anger needs to be abated and controlled it follows
that if rage is a form of uncontrolled anger that rage is unproductive. Anger
helps someone reassess her situation and take action. If rage is simply
uncontrolled anger then whilst rage may be justified it is not a useful
emotion. Indeed rage may be counterproductive because the enraged simply rages
and fails to reassess her situation.
Transitional Anger. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, page 53.
- Michael Brady, 2013, Emotional Insight; The
Epistemic Role of Emotional Experience, Oxford University Press, page147.