This blog is concerned with most topics in applied philosophy. In particular it is concerned with autonomy, love and other emotions. comments are most welcome
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Different Degrees or Different Types of Rape?
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
The Logic of Relieving Suffering and Voluntary Euthanasia
- Silver D, (2003) Lethal Injection, Autonomy and the proper ends of Medicine, Bioethics 17(2), pp. 205-211.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Redesigning People
- Danaher, Mcarthur, and Migotti, 2017 Robot Sex: Social and Ethical Implications, MIT Press
- Ingmar Persson & Julian Savulescu, 2012, UNFIT FOR THE FUTURE, Oxford University Press.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
A right to anaesthesia, a right to physician euthanasia?
In an editorial in Anaesthesia Julian Savulescu and Janet
suggest that many people who are against the deliberate killing of terminally
ill patients who wish to die should have no objection to what is known as
terminal sedation, bringing about unconsciousness for terminally ill patients until
their natural death, see Anaesthesia . I agree with
Savulescu and Radcliffe‐Richards
that most people would accept that sedation for terminally ill patients is not wrong
when death is imminent. In France in 2016 a law came into effect granting
terminally ill patients the right to anaesthesia until death. Sinmyee
et al go further and argue that a right to anaesthesia should be available
to all patients who choose to end their life by starvation or dehydration, see Sinmyee
. Would most people accept that sedation for terminally ill patients is not
wrong when death is inevitable but not imminent? Perhaps a patient has a
prognosis that he has only six months to live. Secondly would most people accept
that sedation for terminally ill patients is not wrong when used to relieve suffering
which they cause themselves by a refusal to eat or to drink? I’m not sure what
most people would find acceptable in either of these scenarios. In this posting
I will firstly briefly summarise the argument why it isn’t morally wrong to
sedate terminally ill patients even if their current suffering is due caused by
a refusal to eat or drink. I will then consider what implications accepting
this argument has for accepting physician assisted suicide and voluntary
Let us accept that any competent person has right to refuse
to take food and water. It might be objected that in some cases the person in
question is unlikely to be competent due to eating disorders such as anorexia.
However clearly this objection doesn’t carry much weight when considering
terminally ill patients. Let us also accept that relieving pain is a legitimate
end of medicine even when this lessens a patient’s life span. Let us still further
accept that relieving pain remains a legitimate end of medicine even when this
pain is due to self-harm. We treat drug users for their addiction. Lastly let
us accept that if pain cannot be controlled by any other means that it can be
controlled by deep sedation. It appears to follow that deeply sedating a
patient suffering from a terminal illness, even if his immediate suffering is
caused by his refusal to eat or drink, is a legitimate end of medicine. It
follows that in these circumstances deep sedation would not be morally wrong.
Let us now consider how permanent deep sedation differs
from death. For a dead person conscious life is over. Conscious life is also
over anyone who will be deeply sedated until he dies. Of course for someone who
is deeply sedated some important unconscious physiological processes such as
breathing will continue. The same is not true of the dead. But do these
unconscious physiological processes matter if someone will never resume
consciousness or take part in life again? If they do matter who do they matter
to? These unconscious physiological processes certainly don’t matter to the sedated
person. If they doesn’t matter to the person involved why should they matter
morally to others? It would appear to follow that there is no significant moral
difference between being dead and being deeply sedated until death. If this is
so is there any moral difference between a doctor deeply sedating someone until
he dies and helping him die a good death if he requests help to do so? If
dying and being deeply sedated until death are equivalent for moral concerns then
we should be prepared to conclude that if we are prepared to accept deep
sedation until death that we should be prepared to accept physician assisted
suicide PAS.
It might be objected that deep sedation involves no suffering
whilst helping a patient to die might do so. However even if we accept this
objection the above question might be reframed. Is there any moral difference
between a doctor deeply sedating someone until he dies and deeply sedating
someone prior to carry out his previously expressed wishes for voluntary euthanasia?
there isn’t any difference then we should be prepared to conclude that if we
are prepared to accept deep sedation until death that we should be prepared to
accept voluntary euthanasia, which might require prior sedation, when requested
by a terminally ill patient.
I now want to examine two major objections to the above
conclusion. Firstly it might be objected that the above argument depends on the
concept of a person and that when considering deep sedation and voluntary euthanasia
we should consider human beings instead. My objector might argue that that
matters is not whether a person continues to exist bur whether a human being
continues to exist. What does it mean for a human being to continue existing?
Is someone who will never regain consciousness but for whom unconscious
physiological processes such as breathing continue still a human being? My
objector might conclude the answer is obvious and is affirmative. However if we
consider the concept of brain death commonly used in transplant medicine the
answer is not obvious. Someone is brain dead if he has a permanent absence of cerebral
and brainstem functions, however mechanical ventilators and other advanced
critical care services can maintain unconscious physiological processes such as
breathing for some time. Whether someone who is brain dead remains a human
being is far from obvious for we can use his organs for transplant subject to
consent. Why does brain death matter? It matters not simply because of a loss
of cerebral and brainstem functions but because the implications of these
losses. These losses lead to a permanent loss of consciousness. If the above is
accepted then substituting human for persons doesn’t affect my original
I now want to consider a second objection to my argument
that if we are prepared to accept deep sedation of the terminally ill patients
until death that we should also be prepared to voluntary euthanasia for such patients.
It might be objected that I have slipped too easily from considering PAS to
considering voluntary euthanasia and that the two aren’t equivalent. PAS is
self-administered whilst voluntary euthanasia is carried out by a physician. I
made this move because it has been suggested that PAS might involve suffering
by the terminally ill patient. As a philosopher I am unable to say much about whether
PAS might involve suffering. However I can say something about the possible
scenarios. Firstly if PAS doesn’t necessarily involve suffering then my original
conclusion stands. Next let us assume that PAS involves some limited suffering.
In this scenario it might be questioned whether a terminally ill patient needs
to be fully anaesthetised for PAS to take place? Perhaps a patient’s pain might
be alleviated without affecting his cognitive abilities allowing him to carry
out PAS. Once again my original conclusion stands. Lastly let us assume that
PAS involves suffering that cannot be fully alleviated without full anaesthesia.
In this scenario PAS isn’t possible with full pain relief. In this scenario the
question changes and becomes, if we are prepared to accept deep sedation until
death then why shouldn’t we be prepared to accept voluntary euthanasia?
In order to answer the above question I want to consider
two further scenarios. In both scenarios I will assume the patient is fully
competent. In the first I will assume that the patient is capable of initiating
the start of his anaesthesia before his physician takes over and delivers a
fatal dose. In this scenario why is the patient initiating his own anaesthesia?
I would suggest he isn’t only initiating a form of pain relief. He is only initiating
pain relief in order to die. In this scenario the patient’s actions resemble
those of a patient undergoing PAS.
However the two are not identical. In PAS the physician only supplies
the means and need not be present at the time of death whilst in the above
scenario the physician must not only be present but also deliver the lethal
dose. Let us accept that the physician’s presence or lack of it is not relevant
morally. However we must ask ourselves whether the fact that the physician
supplies the means of dying differs in a morally significant way from the
physician applying the lethal dose. It might be suggested that this a case in
which we could use the principle of double effect to explain the difference. I
would be reluctant to accept this suggestion. When supplying the means to die
the physician involved in PAS has the intention of allowing the patient to kill
himself, it isn’t a foreseen consequence of something else. The physician’s
intention is the same whether he is involved in PAS or voluntary euthanasia as
described in the above scenario. It seems provided the patient involved is able
to initiate his own anaesthesia that there is no morally significant difference
between voluntary euthanasia in these circumstances and PAS. Let us now
consider a second scenario in which the patient is unable to initiate his own
anaesthesia. I would suggest that there are no morally significant differences
between a physician carrying out voluntary euthanasia on a terminally ill
patient in this scenario and a physician suppling him with the means to carry
out PAS provided the degree of voluntariness is the same in both cases. However
is the degree of voluntariness the same in both cases? In the case of PAS the
patient’s intentions seem to be clear because he initiates the dying process.
If a patient can initiate his own anaesthesia I have argued he is initiating
his death and once again his intentions seem clear cut. However if a patient is
unable to initiate his own anaesthesia his intentions aren’t quite so clear
cut. Perhaps this situation can be remedied by a rigorous consent process and a
clear last directive. None the less differences remain between this scenario
and the one in which the patient initiates his own anaesthesia and for this
reason I would be reluctant to conclude that the scenario in which the patient
is unable to initiate his own anaesthesia is equivalent to PAS. The above
suggests some consequences for the process of deep sedation. Let us accept that
the deep sedation of terminally ill patients who are unable to initiate their
own sedation and voluntary are equivalent. It follows if we aren’t prepared to
accept voluntary euthanasia we shouldn’t be prepared to accept deep sedation if
the patient is unable to initiate his own anaesthesia.
In this posting I have argued that the deep sedation of
terminally ill patients should be morally acceptable. I further argued such
sedation was a legitimate use of medical skills. I have also assumed that most
people would find such sedation acceptable and less contentious than either PAS
or voluntary euthanasia. If most people find PA and voluntary euthanasia
unacceptable and deep sedation is a legitimate use of medical skills then such
sedation should be an option for the terminally ill. I then examined the moral
implications of accepting deep sedation. The main implications of this
acceptance are summarised below.
- If we are prepared to accept deep sedation for terminally ill patients until death then we should be prepared to accept PAS when this process does not involve suffering.
- If we are prepared to accept deep sedation until death and PAS involves some suffering then we should accept PAS provided that this suffering can be controlled without anaesthesia.
- If we are prepared to accept deep sedation until death and a patient is able to initiate his own anaesthesia then in these circumstances we should be prepared to accept voluntary euthanasia.
- If we are not prepared to accept voluntary euthanasia then we should not be prepared to accept deep sedation until death when a patient is unable to initiate his own anaesthesia.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Assisted Suicide and a Life not Worth Living
Thursday, 14 February 2019
The Philosopher's Dog
A philosopher has a pet dog, does he do anything wrong? According to Gary Francione he does because a morally just world would have no pets, no aquaria and no zoos. Francione opposes pet ownership, zoos and aquaria because such things violate the fundamental rights of animals. In this posting I will only be concerned with pets and I will argue that Francione’s view is mistaken in cases involving some kinds of animals. I will next argue that the keeping of some pets can sometimes be mutually beneficial. Lastly in the light of these benefits I will consider the sort of animals it is permissible and possibly beneficial to keep as pets.
I won’t consider a virtue ethics approach to the keeping pets because whilst virtue ethics might have something to say about how we ought to treat pets it has little to say about the permissibility of keeping pets. Neither will I consider a consequentialist approach. It might be objected problems of hungry people and environmental harm means we shouldn’t keep pets for consequentialist reasons. In what follows I will assume that either these reasons can be overcome or balanced by the benefits of keeping pets. In what follows I will examine three objections to pet keeping based on animal rights. First, a right to be free. Secondly, a right not to considered as property. And lastly, a right not to be kept in a dependent state.
Pets unlike wild animals are confined to our home or to its immediate surroundings. It follows pets are restricted by their keepers from roaming freely. It has been argued that the inability to roam freely causes pets distress and that this distress means pet keeping is wrong. However, we don’t allow young children and infants to roam freely. Many five or six-year old children would like at times to roam freely and feel frustrated when their parents prevent from doing so. Frustration is a form of distress. Nobody suggests we shouldn’t have children because we curtail their freedom to roam might cause distress. It might be argued by analogy that the same is true of pets. It might be objected that this analogy doesn’t hold because once children become adults they can decide where they want to go whilst the same doesn’t apply to pets. In response to this objection I would point out that children develop skills which means they can enjoy their freedom. Feral dogs are free from restrictions but unlike adult humans they don’t appear to have the skills to enjoy this freedom. Pet dogs appear to flourish better than feral dogs. What is true for dogs need not of course apply to all animals. Some animals we keep as pets might be happier and flourish better if they were free to roam. However accepting the above means that there is at least one kind of animal which is not damaged if its freedom to roam is curtailed. It follows the argument against keeping of at least some kinds of animals as pets based on restrictions to their freedom fails.
A pet is sometimes considered as someone’s property and it might be argued that owning an animal is wrong. This argument is really two different arguments. First it might be argued that someone can do whatever he likes with his own property and that he shouldn’t be able to do anything he likes to any pets he keeps. This argument is clearly false. Someone can only do whatever he likes with certain forms of property. Someone may do whatever he likes with his table and chairs. Pets even if they are property are not the kind of things someone can do whatever he likes with. Pets are living things and because of this the law prevents pet owners from mistreating their pets. Secondly it might be argued the simple fact of being owned damages pets? Certainly if one person owns another being owned damages the second person. This damage is due to a lack of freedom. In response to such an argument I would point out most pets are not persons. One possible exception would be a great ape and accepting the above would mean that keeping a great ape as a pet should be impermissible. Secondly as I have argued above for some sort of pets a loss of freedom doesn’t of necessity cause harm. It appears to follow even if pets are in some way owned this ownership doesn’t give us a reason not to keep some kinds of animals as pets.
Lastly let us consider the dependency argument. If some creature is dependent on another this dependence means it is in a vulnerable position. Let us assume that it is wrong to place some creature in a vulnerable position. It follows we shouldn’t place any creature in a vulnerable position and that because pets are kept in a vulnerable position that it is wrong to keep pets. I believe the above argument is unsound. The premise that is it is wrong to place any creature in a vulnerable position is false. Pets exist and for most pets to be allowed to roam at will this would increase their vulnerability. The above argument might be refined by replacing the above premise with a related one. Let us assume that it is wrong to create some creature which will be vulnerable in life. Accepting the above would mean we might keep our existing pets but it would be wrong to permit the creation of any more. Once again I find the refined argument unconvincing because I believe the revised premise is also false. Human beings are vulnerable. I believe that we do have a duty not to bring into existence any being we think would not find its life worth living. I believe that this duty cannot be extended into a duty not to bring into existence some creature which will have a life worth living but is vulnerable in some way. It would appear that the dependency argument does not give us reason to keep some kind of pets provided that our lifestyle permits us to attend to their needs.
I have argued that there are no reasons why we shouldn’t keep some types of animals as pets. I now want to argue that there are some good reasons for some people to keep some types of pets. Someone might keep a pet to showcase a lifestyle. Macho man keeps a big strong dog to demonstrate the sort of person he is. For such people pets have much the same status as their jewellery. I don’t believe keeping a pet to showcase a lifestyle is a good reason to keep a pet. Indeed I would suggest that this is a poor reason to keep pets because if someone wants to showcase the sort of person he is he should demonstrate this by his actions rather than his possessions. In spite of the above it should be permissible for such people to keep pets provided that they look after them well.
One concern of moral philosophy is human flourishing. I now want to outline four empirical reasons why keeping pets might help some people to flourish. Firstly there seems to be a connection between keeping a pet with both physiological and psychological health, see the psychologist . Secondly keeping a pet might be useful in counteracting loneliness among some people, especially the aged. For instance walking a dog besides being beneficial to health increases the possibility of social interaction. Moreover even if someone is unable to exercise a dog keeping some sorts of pet might create a bond which could be useful in counteracting loneliness. Thirdly keeping a pet might be useful in a child’s development and help him to flourish for three reasons. Firstly children who actively care for pets, such as regularly walking a dog, might be more likely to develop a notion of responsibility. Secondly a more developed notion of responsibility might also foster a ‘caring for’ attitude. Thirdly there is some evidence that interaction with a pet might benefit some autistic people by reducing anxiety, see how animals can help autistic children . Verbal communication with a pet is a one way process. Lastly I would suggest that underlying all these reasons is a basic human need to love and be loved. This love of course isn’t romantic love but a very basic need to care about something. Indeed I would further suggest a failure to care much about anything is a failure to be fully human, someone who doesn’t care acts robotically or like a zombie. Caring about, or loving, makes us human and in some cases the keeping of a pet might help foster this caring about. Much more speculatively it might even be suggested that terrorists are unlikely to keep pets or have kept pets as children. Maybe loving a cause tends to exclude someone from loving a pet and vice versa.Perhaps this somewhat bizarre suggestion could be tested empirically.
Let us accept that it is permissible, perhaps sometimes even desirable, for someone to keep a pet. However does this apply to all animals or only to a subset of animals? What sort of animal it would be morally permissible to keep as a pet? I argued above it is permissible to restrict the freedom of certain animals such as dogs. Dogs, cats and perhaps a few other animals such as horses have adapted their way of life so they can still flourish when restricted by humans. Most wild animals would not cope well if their freedom was restricted and it would be wrong to keep such animals as pets. Let us accept that it is only morally permissible to keep as pets animals that can still flourish when restricted by humans. I now want to consider a slightly different question. What sort of animal might benefit someone if kept as a pet? I have argued above that our need to love and be loved gives us a reason to keep pets. What does accepting the above tell us about the sort of animals we should keep as pets? Let us examine our need to be loved first. Intuitively a dog can love someone whilst a fish can’t. Why is this so? I would suggest the reason is evolution has changed some animals so they can adapt to our lifestyle. Someone merely feeds fish and cleans their tank because fish haven’t adapted to our lifestyle. The same isn’t true of dogs. If we accept the above, then the type of pets we have reason to keep for the benefits they give us is limited. We have reason to keep dogs, possibly cats or even ponies but not many other kinds of animals. We definitely don’t have reason to keep snakes or fish based on our need to be loved. However, we don’t simply have a need to be loved we also have a need to love, to care about something. Is it possible to love a snake or a fish? I will now argue it isn’t. I would argue if we love something we must be capable of benefiting what we love. By love I mean ‘caring about’ and not simply ‘caring for’. Of course ‘caring about’ and ‘caring for’ are connected and there is a spectrum between these two forms of caring. However, if I care about something I am benefitted when what I care about is benefitted and harmed when what I care about is harmed. The same is not true for ‘caring for’ something. I can benefit a fish by feeding but not feel benefited myself. Let us consider benefits in more detail. If someone plays with a dog and a ball he is happy because his dog is happy, much the same applies to someone stroking a purring cat. However, someone might know what harms a fish or snake but he has little or no idea about what makes these creatures are happy. She doesn’t know what benefits these creatures besides ‘caring for’ their basic needs. Someone might care for such creatures but he can’t ‘care about’, love them. It follows someone’s need to ‘care about’ love cannot be satisfied by keeping animals like fish and snakes as pets and that this need to love cannot used as a reason to justify keeping them as pets.
In conclusion it seems that it is perfectly permissible for a philosopher to keep a dog as a pet. It might also be desirable in some cases for some people to keep a pet, especially children. However the sort of animals it is permissible to keep as pets is limited to those animals who have been shaped by evolution to fit our lifestyles.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Nietzsche, Sport and Suffering
Sport is a passion for many people in the past this was
mostly men but this is changing and many women enjoy sport. In this posting I
want to examine the reasons for this passion and what we find admirable about sportspersons.
I will argue what we find admirable is that sport helps enhance character and
that this enhancement is connected to some of Nietzsche’s thoughts about
suffering and struggle. My discussion will be confined to sport but some of it
could also be applied to the arts, especially music.
Nietzsche argued that which doesn’t kill you makes you
stronger. He linked this to suffering which he argued makes someone a better
“Examine the life of the best and most productive men and
nations, and ask yourselves whether a tree which is to grow proudly skywards
can dispense with bad weather and storms. Whether misfortune and opposition, or
every kind of hatred, jealousy, stubbornness, distrust, severity, greed, and
violence do not belong to the favourable conditions without which a great
growth even of virtue is hardly possible? (1)
It is important to note that Nietzsche is not saying all
suffering benefits someone but that if she is to live up to her potential some
suffering is necessary. Chronic illnesses doesn’t benefit the sufferer. However
it is worth noting that some people such as Havi Carel argue that even chronic
illness can bring some limited benefits (2). Let us agree with Nietzsche that
some suffering can indirectly lead to some benefits. Consider the Eloi in H G
Well’s book ‘The Time Machine’. The Eloi appear to lead a life of ease with no
need to struggle in order to exist. However they lack natural curiosity and
their lives seem to be lacking in some essential elements making such lives
seem pointless to us. Of course the Eloi’s lives might seem pointless to us
simply because they lack curiosity rather than because they fail to struggle to
protect themselves from the Morlocks. I would suggest that if someone has to
struggle in her life that she must consider how to overcome her problems and
this facilitates her curiosity and by doing so might possibly even facilitate
her wisdom. I now want to follow Michael Brady by arguing that suffering can
facilitate other virtues. (3) I would suggest that if someone struggles to
overcome her suffering that this struggle will enhance her courage, fortitude,
resilience and patience. These virtues are instrumental virtues and that
someone who possesses might be said to possess grit. I would argue that we enhance these virtues
by exercising them in much the same way as an athlete enhances her muscles by
exercise. If someone struggles to overcome her suffering then she will need to
exercise her courage, fortitude, resilience and patience. Of course no one admires
someone simply because she suffers, one pities her. We admire someone who struggles
to overcome her suffering. I would suggest that we should find her character
admirable because it displays the above virtues. To summarise the above simply
to suffer doesn’t benefit anyone, however if someone struggles to overcome her
suffering she enhances some elements of her character helping her to flourish.
I now want to consider what we find admirable about
sportspersons. Sport is connected to competition. I go out alone on my bike I
am exercising rather than taking part in sport. Sport concerns competition.
However sport is not simply about competition and winning for after all wars
are about winning and wars aren’t sport. Winning is important in sport because
it sets the goal in some competition. However wars are also about competition.
The competition in war and sport differs. All competition is about winning but
in war the way the war is won isn’t central whilst in sport winning matters but
the way someone wins is of central importance. A war should be a just war but
the rules of war play no part in the definition of war. If some country wages
war by massacring innocent civilians and ignoring the rules of war we would
still say it was waging war, we might of course add that it wasn’t waging a
just war. Sport is by definition must be played according to some rules. Sport
must also be fair. If a team of professional footballers play an under 13 years
old girls team even if this was played paying scrupulous attention to the rules
this game would not be regarded as sport. Fairness is central to the definition
of sport and this is reflected in the organisation of sport. Able bodied
Olympians don’t compete with Para-Olympians, heavyweight boxers don’t compete
with lightweights and golfers have handicaps to ensure fair competition. Let us
accept that sport is concerned with winning and fairness. Winning and fairness
are in some ways an odd combination. We find fairness admirable because it
fosters justice. We find winning admirable because it represents achievement. I
would suggest that we find sportspersons admirable because the combination of
winning and fairness found in sport allows them to exhibit and develop certain
characteristics connected to good character. This suggestion seems to be
supported by the way we talk about sport, especially football, we talk about
determination, patience, courage and not letting one’s head drop which seems to
me to be a form of resilience.
Let us accept that one of the main reasons why we find
participation in sport admirable is that it allows sportspersons to exhibit and
develop character. In what follows I will only consider sport and the
development or enhancement of good character. I have argued above that
suffering helps develop courage, fortitude, resilience and patience. I now want
to argue that sport develops these virtues by suffering. It might be objected
that many professional sportspersons don’t suffer. Professional sportspersons
are well paid, have trainers, dieticians, physiotherapists and even sports
psychologists help them achieve their goals. I accept some sportspersons aren’t
deprived people. However it is important to note that some people embrace sport
as a way out of deprivation. For such people sport and suffering are directly
connected. I now want argue that even well paid professional sportspersons
suffer. What does it mean to suffer? To suffer means someone is in some
unpleasant state she would rather not be in. This definition is not a complete
definition of suffering but I believe it is adequate for the purposes of this
posting. Sport helps develop good character because sportspersons have to
struggle to master their sport and this involves courage, fortitude, resilience
and patience. If someone is completely satisfied she has no need to struggle.
Someone struggles only when she is dissatisfied with something. Being
dissatisfied is an unpleasant state which someone wishes she wasn’t in. All
struggling is a reaction to some suffering even if this suffering is mild. It follows
that if what we find admirable about sport is that it enhances character and
that this enhancement is achieved by struggling which is facilitated by
suffering. This struggle might be of especial importance to disabled athletes as
their greater struggle leads to greater character enhancement and empowerment.
I have argued above that one of the main reasons we find
participation in sport admirable is that it helps sportspersons to exhibit and
develop good character. It might be objected that I’m presenting a very limited
picture. My objector might suggest that the main reason we find participation
in sport admirable is that it simply that it allows sportspersons to exhibit
their skills without any reference to character. I accept that people enjoy
exhibiting or the exhibition of sporting skills. However I am examining what
people find admirable about participation in sport and admiration isn’t the same
as enjoyment. Do we really admire the exhibition of these skills without
reference to character? Would we admire the exhibition of these skills if they
were exhibited by a robot? Would we admire them if they had been acquired
solely by the use of performance enhancing drugs? I would suggest we would not.
My objector might respond by suggesting that we wouldn’t only because the use
enhancement drugs is cheating rather than anything to do with sportsperson’s
character. Cheating and character are linked. Let us assume some sport permits
the use of performance enhancing drugs and that taking these drugs ceases to be
cheating. I would suggest that we would find little to admire about
participation in such a sport. Nonetheless might we find the exhibition of sporting
skills involved in this sport enjoyable? Perhaps we might enjoy the exhibition
as a spectacle but it would be hard to enjoy as a sporting contest as the any
contest has moved from the sportspersons involved to the scientists producing
the enhancers.
Let us accept that being involved sport helps fight obesity
and fosters good health and for this reason active participation in sport
should be encouraged I have argued that the reason why we find participation in
sport admirable is that it allows sportspersons to exhibit and develop
character. It might be objected that I’m idealising some impossible Corinthian
picture of sport which has no relevance in the modern era. In response I point
out that character matters to both to amateur and professional sportspersons.
Andy Murray is a professional tennis player and I would suggest that we admire
him just as much for his struggle to win Wimbledon as for the victory itself.
If we accept that character matters in sport then we have a further reason to
encourage active participation in sport. The struggle involved in sport helps
to enhance certain virtues which are instrumentally useful to us. Clearly
enhancing someone’s courage, fortitude, resilience and patience benefits her
but I would argue such individual enhancement also benefits society as a whole.
It follows society has an interest in promoting participation in sport and that
government policies which reduce the sporting facilities which enable people to
do so are mistaken. Playing fields and other sporting facilities matter. Of
course not everyone wants to participate in sport but I would suggest that other
activities involving struggle such as learning to play a musical instrument can
be equally beneficial. In the light of the above discussion I would further suggest
that some struggle in life is important for us all and can lead to more
widespread benefits. In ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’ Haidt and Lukianoff
endorse an anti-fragility type of parenting. (4) I would interpret
anti-fragility parenting to mean not overprotecting or coddling children but
rather encouraging them to struggle to achieve things in life. Socrates
famously argued that the unexamined life wasn’t worth living perhaps a life
without some struggle might be worth living but none the less be a deficient
sort of life. Perhaps such a life might be worth living but would it be a happy
life? Perhaps Seligman is right when he suggests that accomplishment matters
for happiness if so a happy life requires some struggle, some suffering. Lastly
I would suggest that whilst we admired Steven Hawking for increasing our
knowledge of the universe that we also admired him because of his struggles to
overcome adversity.
- The Gay Science : First Book, 19
- Havi Carel, 2013, Illness, Routledge
- Michael Brady, 2018, Suffering, Oxford University Press
- Haidt & Lukianoff, 2018, The Coddling of the American Mind, Penguin Press
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